Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Here Come the Holidays...


I love the holidays. Christmas lights, good cheer, happiness, parties. All of it. Even the crowded malls...Well, except for when you run into the random cranky-pants-asshole who needs a good bitch slap. But anyway. There are a couple of things about the holidays that drive me
IN-FUCKING-SANE...Here, I will address one of them...

Phone calls. Yes, at the office. Especially the frantic, last-minute, "ohmygodI'mgoingonvacationandIforgotthedogwasgoingtothekennelandheNEEDShiskennelcough"
Ya. First off, oops, your bad. Now, I'm not an uncaring soul. If I have room in the schedule, I am more than happy to accomodate people. I do the best I can. And when I can't, people get nasty. "What do you mean you don't have any openings? It's just a quick visit, just for a shot" Um, no shit, Sherlock, but the schedule is PACKED as it is. Or, "Dr. isn't in? Well, can you do it?" No. Unfortunately, I cannot. "Well then what good are you?" Well, asshole, even if I could vaccinate your dog, now I won't. Just on principle.

Anyway...That's all for now. More on the phone fun later...


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